Oxford Wherry Full-Sized Plans & Manual

The Oxford Wherry combines elements of traditional beauty with modern design and construction to create a vessel that is not just gorgeous, but unbelievably functional. Its design takes the most positive elements of traditional wherries and Whitehalls – wineglass transom, carvel-like construction, and elegant woodwork - while jettisoning the less-than-ideal attributes such as excessive weight and beam.

Click here to learn more about the Oxford Wherry.


Plans Package Contents

The Oxford Wherry Full-Sized Plans and Manual includes a 55 page illustrated manual, a five page plans booklet printed on 24x36 sheets, and full-sized plans of all the wood components including the hull panels. The hull panels are illustrated using high-quality laser printing on durable sheets of 36"x 17' (feet) sheets of paper. Duplication of the hull panels is easy and accurate, and they can be traced directly onto your plywood.

You can also add on DXF files for the marine plywood parts.  This will allow you to have the pieces cut out at a local CNC shop. DXF files can only be ordered as an add-on to the plans package and cost an additional $30. To order DXF files select yes in the drop-down menu below. They can be downloaded as soon as your order is completed. 


List of Included Items



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