Oxford Wherry Kit Contents

Oxford Wherry Kit Contents

The Oxford Wherry Kit includes the plywood parts, mahogany trim, fiberglass, epoxy resin, and all other components necessary for building the boat. It also comes with a manual and standard plans.

To view a slideshow of all contents, please click here.

To view a diagram of all wood components, please click here.


(Item - Quantity)

Epoxy Resin 2 gallons
Epoxy Hardener 1 gallon
Fibreglass Cloth 6oz (50" wide) 10 yards
Fibreglass Tape 6 oz 3" wide 8 yards
Wood Flour 1 lb
Syringes 2
Epoxy Measuring containers 12 oz 20
Epoxy Measuring containers 24 oz 8
Disposable Gloves 17 (pairs)
18 Gauge Copper Wire 180 ft
Waxed Paper 10 ft
Disposable 2" brushes 5
Foam rollers 6
Roller tray 1
Roller handle 1
2" spatulas 4
Small artists' brush 1
Tongue depressors 25
Miniature tongue depressors 5
Heavy Duty Ziploc bags 5


Wood Parts

(Item - Quantity)

Hull panels (all plywood BS 1088 Lloyds) 16
Bulkheads 3
Flotation chamber partial bulkheads 2
Flotation chamber covers 2
Quarter knees (mahogany) 2
Breast Hook (mahogany) 1
Gunwales (mahogany) 6 (pieces)
Flotation chamber supports 4
Seats (northwest red cedar) 2
Assorted fillet tool pack 1
Wineglass transom 1

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