Sliding Seat & Rigger System

This Sliding Seat and rigger System is available as a kit and plans. Details>>

Discover its features below, read testimonials from people who have built it, and place your order for plans or a kit.

Works with Rowboats and Canoes

Our drop-in rowing unit is designed to work with all our boats. It can also be used in many other vessel designs such as canoes or CLC rowing craft. We have tested this system with over 10,000 miles of rowing, often in extreme conditions, without failure.

This system was designed as an inexpensive and lightweight alternative to the standard drop-in rowing units which weigh 20-24 lbs and start at about $650. Our system weighs 14 lbs (with carbon fiber seat), and total cost to build is about $350.

Our kits include high-quality components, stainless hardware, plans and manual. Additional materials required are wood, epoxy supplies, and paint. If you’ve completed a boatbuilding project you likely will have leftover glass/epoxy that can be used. The wood used to build the illustrated unit cost $23 at our local Home Depot.

Click on the image below to see the Sliding Seat and Rigger Photo Gallery. 

Angus Sliding Seat Rowing Drop in Unit


Unique Wooden System

Please note that our system is distinctly different from another common design with curved laminate wood riggers affixed to the sliding frame. The curved laminate rigger is notorious for having too much flex for effective rowing. Our riggers are bolted securely to the gunwales, providing a solid connection to the boat keeping flex to a minimum.

These rigger/seat kits work in other small boats such as canoes, wherries and small dories. Please visit our support page for more information on using our system on other boats, or contact us with any questions you might have. Minor modifications need to be made to customize it for each of our designs.

To view the construction process, please visit our construction photo gallery.

Watch the video below for an overview of the Sliding Seat and Rigger System.

Plans Package Includes:

The basic plans package provides full sized templates for all wooden parts and a 10 page instruction manual. Third party hardware can then be attached to the system (oarlocks, footcups, tracks, seat, etc).

Sliding Seat/Rigger Hardware Kit Includes:

The sliding seat hardware package includes all the hardware (rowing components and stainless steel), plans, and instructions. You will need to provide the wood, epoxy and fiberglass.

Lightweight Carbon Fibre Seat 

The carbon fibre seat has wheel bearings and weighs 1 lb 1oz. Carbon fibre seats can also be purchased individually.

The  carbon fibre seat kit include the following items:

  • Carbon fibre seat
  • 35 inch aluminum tracks
  • Concept 2 gated oarlocks
  • Stainless steel oarlock pins
  • Stainless securing bolts
  • Seat undercarriage
  • Wheels and axles
  • Concept 2 foot holders
  • Additional stainless hardware
  • Manual
  • Full sized plans

Build Time 10-15 hours

View kit contents (displaying wooden seat).



Additional Resources:

Article about outfitting your boat for sliding seat rowing.

Support information on building the sliding seat system.

Photo gallery of build process.


Sliding Seat and Rigger Kit and Plans Pricing

To purchase the Sliding Seat and Rigger Kit or Plans please click on the red link below.

Sliding Seat/Rigger Hardware Kit with Carbon Fiber Seat ($349 USD)

Sliding Seat/Rigger Plans $44 USD

Carbon Fiber Rowing Seat $159 USD




Find out what other people have to say about their experience building the Sliding Seat and Rigger System.

The unit (sliding seat rower) works great, it's fitted to an Australian built " Rosco Basscatcher fishing canoe". - Brian E., Australia
I've had a great time building and now rowing the new boat. Now I'll leave the Hudson racing shell in the boathouse when it's rough. - Sandy B., Ohio
We have had a customer fit one of your rowing kits to our Basscatcher 500 with great success and we now have another enquiry for a similar fitout. - Dan, Rosco Canoes, Australia
I trained with this boat last spring and embarked on a 9 day trip. The boat itself was flawless and solid...the latter being what truly sets it apart from the traditional kayak.

- John C., Vancouver
My wife has decided she wants a slider too. I knew this was going to happen once she tried mine. - Phil W., Washington

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